Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Creating Mana Stones

A mana stone is made by combining a fusion stone with a piece of equipment. Mana stones have a tier which is determined by the tier of the equipment you use to make it.
A higher tier means a better item. You get tier 1 equipment when you start the game, and by the time you are level 40, you will be getting tier 3 items. You will need to look at the tier of your item before you use it to make a mana stone. I'll explain why later.

Here are some examples of mana stones. Notice how they have different tiers, and different amounts of stats on them.

How do you make one? Well, you start with a fusion stone.

Fusion stones can be purchased from "Spirit Mage" vendors. They are Odeley Prole in Varanas Lower West and Leskar Prole in Glory Square of Obsidian Strongold.

They both sell the exact same stones.

If you look at the shop, there are many types to choose from. Mousing over them, you can see what stats come on the stone. The cheapest ones are Random Fusion Stones. They are exactly that, random. The game will randomly generate 3 stats for that stone. They can be any rank I or II stat that you see on an item. There is also a chance for a blank stat, and rarely, 2 blank stats. I've heard of people getting lucky and actually getting a stone with 3 blank stats, giving them a totally clean fusion stone. I've never been so lucky. I'll explain why this matters later on.

Some stones come with one guaranteed stat, and 2 totally random ones. Once again, there is a chance that one or both of the random stats are blank.

The most expensive stones come with 2 guaranteed stats and only one random one. Again, there's a chance of a blank stat. These are by far the best ones to buy for matching sets of stones, which I'll get to in a minute.

Now to actually make one.

This is a random fusion stone I just bought.

Now I open my transmutor by clicking this button in my backpack.

This is a quest reward I got that I don't want to wear, but I like the stat on it, so I'm going to make it into a mana stone. Notice how the item is a Tier 2.

Now I place the equipment and the fusion stone into my transmutor. It doesn't matter what square you put them in. The transmutor will automatically give me a preview of what I will get if I press the "confirm" button. Nothing will happen unless you click confirm, so feel free to put different things in and see what you get. You can only place one item and one fusion stone in at a time. If you put something in there that can't be used, you will get no preview, meaning it won't work.

When I mouse over it, I can see that it has both the stats from the fusion stone and the stat from the equipment. Also notice that the mana stone has come out as a Tier 2 stone. This is because the original item was a Tier 2 item.
Now all I have to do is click confirm, and I have created my mana stone. Doing this will use one of my transmutor charges. It's always good to double check that you are getting exactly what you want before pressing the confirm button, as transmutor charges have to be bought with phirius tokens or diamonds, and the equipment is destroyed in the process.

When you create a mana stone, you have fused the item and fusion stone together. Both of these things become the mana stone. You will no longer have the piece of equipment.

There are also Purified Fusion Stones in the game. These are purchased through the diamond shop for 55 diamonds each, or through the phirius token shop for 1,100 tokens each. These purified stones, known as puris, have no stats at all on them. They make it possible to make a mana stone with a "clean" stat, meaning only one stat on the whole stone. They have nothing on them at all, only what you are putting on it. If you use a puri with an item that has no stats, you will have a completely "clean" stone, no stats at all, totally blank. Puris are not important early on in the game. They are for statting your gear once you've gotten around level 50, and have started getting high-end set pieces. By then you will have the hang of the transmutor and have no trouble at all getting exactly what you want with your puris.

Next:Statting an item.


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